This morning I woke up to announcements of a security upgrade (3.0.4)
[http://wordpress.org/news/2010/12/3-0-4-update/] for WordPress. It is highly
recommended that everyone upgrade their installs.
I set to the task of upgrading…
Have you ever had a minor developmental nightmare and needed quick access to a
Plesk [http://www.parallels.com/uk/products/plesk/] backup? Lost some data or
needed a reference point and just wanted to get at a…
Have you ever stumbled across the issue where wp_list_pages isn't spitting out
the text you define for link_before and link_after? I came across this some time
ago: one minute my lovely pipe bars '|' where there, the next they weren't. It…
Have you ever tried to parse, process or preg_replace some HTML? Ever tried to
do it when the HTML is UTF-8 encoded? Getting rid of white space can be tricky,
here's a few tricks I've learned.
I was playing around with debugging some HTML output…
Earlier this week I received an email requesting some help with a WordPress
install that had been hacked. The site was almost 3 years old and was still
running WordPress 2.2. It was quite funny getting to see and play with retro
WordPress again, but it had to go.…
When working with large and complex datasets in Symfony, there comes a point
where the ORM layer (Propel or Doctrine) causes more problems than it solves.
Sometimes it's necessary to debug large SQL queries built using the ORM layer,
and at other times it'sĀ appropriate to…