Have you ever stumbled across the issue where wp_list_pages isn't spitting out
the text you define for link_before and link_after? I came across this some time
ago: one minute my lovely pipe bars '|' where there, the next they weren't. It…
You can see an example of Processing JS done this way by viewing the full source
of the basic demo [
http://processingjs.org/source/basic-example/processingjs_basic-example.html] on
the Processing JS homepage. This works really well, except for the drawback of
having all your Processing code inline on…
[caption id="attachment_980" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Photo by
Shht!"] [http://www.flickr.com/photos/shht/][/caption]
I've already filed a report on the Apple website & am about to go phone them for
help. I'm…