Symfony: What is it good for?

[]Symfony [] is one of my favourite bits of technology. I've got plans to write several articles and tutorials on it, but as I know many people haven't yet heard of it, or are unaware of how it could help them,…

Disneyland, here I come!

Two weeks ago, my slightly better half had his 30th birthday. To celebrate him becoming a "proper" adult, I decided there was nothing more fitting than a visit to Disneyland. So on Monday we're flying to Florida for three whole weeks of tomfoolery in Orlando!! We&…

Snippet: Symfony Forms - Setting the Form Formatter

By default Symfony displays forms in tables, with each new input being a table row. If you want to display your forms more semantically with fieldsets and lists, Symfony has a list formatter built in. You can tell an individual form to display as a list using the code below.…

Down with IE6? Tell it to Microsoft

There has been much talk in the web design and development community of late regarding the demise of Internet Explorer 6. Most web developers and designers have a special place in their hearts for their hatred of IE6, but the strength of their loathing varies from the occasional moaning [http:…

Snippet: Symfony Forms - Setting Default Values

I often forget how to set default values for form fields. Mainly because it's a function of sfForm rather than sfFormField I think. In the snippet below 'field' you are setting the default value for, and $value should be the default value. <?php // lib/form/…

Snippet: Symfony User - Access the User Object

The following snippets provide access to the Symfony User object from various parts of a Symfony project. Template / View $user = $sf_user; Model or Form $user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser(); Note: the context isn't setup when using the command line, therefore if you use this in the…

Snippet: Symfony Forms - Allowing Extra Fields

Place this line of code in the configure method of a Symfony form to allow the saving of additional fields. This is used when additional information or inputs are needed in the form which are not saved in their own fields in the database. Examples are data which might be…

Digging Twitter

Last night this article hit the front page of Digg []. Written by Thomas Hardy [] over at Web Designer Help [], it's a showcase on the top 30 web folk to follow on twitter [http://www.webdesignerhelp.…