A Quick Update

This past week or so I've been a busy bee re-writing the CSS for this blog. That might sound like an odd thing to do, but it had become unmanageable and was slowing me down. So this is a quick heads up, if you spot any bugs please…

Spotlight: Wordpress Pods Plugin

Please Note: This article was written about Pods CMS version 1.6.6 and you'll find some of the bugs and issues mentioned are now resolved. Have you ever needed to build a website which fit into the "Posts & Page" paradigm of Wordpress 95%, but…

Magic Kingdom Font - Space Encounter

This is a pretty silly & out of the norm post for me, but what the hell! Whilst in Stitch's Great Escape @ Disneyland last month I was enthralled by the use of a clever font so that it looked like all the signs were written in an alien…

Wordpress 2.8

Over the weekend I updated my blog to Wordpress 2.8 [http://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-28/]. It's been a relatively smooth process complete screw-up (see my comment at the bottom) although I lost my archive and recent post widgets as I had hacked them to be…

Snippet: Symfony Forms - Definition List Form Formatter

Back in April I posted a Snippet on Symfony Form Formatters [http://erisds.co.uk/symfony/snippet-symfony-forms-setting-the-form-formatter]. Since then I've done a bit more work with them and thought I'd share my custom form formatter for displaying forms as definition lists. Forms are often marked up…

2009 Review and Aims

At the beginning of 2009 I had been in my first full time job for 2 months, had graduated from my Masters degree less than a month ago and had lived in my newly purchased home for just over a week. With so much going on I didn't…

Our Day at Discovery Cove

[http://www.flickr.com/photos/erisds/3513672247/]I don't want to bore folk with the tiniest detail of my holiday, but today merits a blog post of its own. If you have ever looked at visiting Discovery Cove and thought the price was over-the-top, take it from me,…

A long way from Home!

We're at the end of our tenth day in Florida, halfway through our holiday. It seems we picked the absolutely perfect time of year to come - not only is the the weather glorious (it's very hot but mostly bearable), but the place is practically deserted.…