I am on a mission to get to grips with using theZend Framework
[http://framework.zend.com/about/overview] for building web applications. At
MOO, the Zend Framework is used in it's more toolkit-like component library
capacity and I'm also pretty familiar with its structure from…
Have you ever tried to parse, process or preg_replace some HTML? Ever tried to
do it when the HTML is UTF-8 encoded? Getting rid of white space can be tricky,
here's a few tricks I've learned.
I was playing around with debugging some HTML output…
You can see an example of Processing JS done this way by viewing the full source
of the basic demo [
http://processingjs.org/source/basic-example/processingjs_basic-example.html] on
the Processing JS homepage. This works really well, except for the drawback of
having all your Processing code inline on…