Ghost & Ember @ EmberCamp

On Thursday, I had the privilege of speaking at EmberCamp in London about the experience of switching Ghost to using Ember. I wasn't sure what to expect from EmberCamp, as I'm not really an Ember dev, but I found myself having a thoroughly enjoyable day. The…

npm module maintainer must-haves

Maintaining a module on npm can be a little daunting. For modules with lots of dependencies, the task of keeping them up-to-date can be time consuming. These two handy modules are must-haves for making the process quick and easy, install them globally to get the best effect: nsp audit * npm…

Why Zelda has me so excited.

John has been laughing at me this past week because I'm quite literally jumping-up-and-down excited about Zelda. On Friday we merged Zelda [] into master and I'm bouncing off the walls. The volume of work involved has caused John to…

Spring Reflections

I'm sat outside relaxing & enjoying the last few minutes of sunshine offered by the second joyous March Sunday in a row. In between a spot of gardening, I've managed to finish the refactor & upgrade of the Ghost editor I've been working on…

The *official* switch-over

I've spent the majority of the last year of my life building a blogging platform []. This has lead to some folk asking why my old blog & homepage '' continued to live on WordPress. It's a sensible question -…

Ghost Busting: building node apps for the masses

Poster by Luke Murphy [] On 13th Feb I gave a talk [] about Ghost, being open source, and making node work for the masses at London JS Conf []. My slides for the talk can be found on…

Getting Ghost on Joyent SmartOS

This is a quick post about getting Ghost onto a Joyent cloud instance, with the intention of using dtrace on SmartOS to inspect & optimise Ghost's memory utilisation. Sign up for an account on Joyent, set up your key, and then hit create instance. It'll ask…

First post on the Ghost hosted service

It's 9am and I'm sat in Lisbon airport making good use of the free WiFi after an excellent trip to LxJS 2013 [] (more about that in a later post). I'm super excited because I have just setup my first blog…